There are many packaging companies that offer quality products and world-class service. But there are a few that have been offering both since inception.
PKGMAKER is one such company. It creates genuinely connected packages that elevate brands. The company offers digital printing and custom design for a wide range of products.
International Paper
The company generates $21.7 billion in annual revenue from its three global businesses: industrial packaging, global cellulose fibers, and paper. Its pulp business brings in half of its total revenues. The remaining revenues come from publication papers and corrugated medium.
International Paper transforms renewable resources into recyclable and sustainable products people use every day. It creates packaging that protects and promotes goods, enables worldwide commerce and keeps consumers safe; pulp for diapers, tissue, and other personal hygiene products that promote health and wellness; and papers that facilitate education and communication.
Its forest lands in the United States provide raw materials for its plants. IP strives to be a trusted supplier customers can depend on, a valued investment for shareowners, and a responsible corporate citizen.
WestRock is an American packaging company that specializes in recyclable and sustainable solutions. Its major subsidiaries include Celulose, Papel E Embalagens Ltda, and Xpedx. The company has a long history of producing vital products that protect everything from food to medical supplies and touch screen devices.
Its Corrugated Packaging segment is one of the largest integrated producers of containerboard in North America and among the top producers of high-graphics preprinted linerboard. It also operates paper distribution businesses. In addition, WestRock is a leading producer of recycled containerboard and newsprint.
During the pandemic, WestRock restricted access to its facilities to individuals essential for keeping operations running. Its manufacturing businesses have been able to meet their delivery obligations through site-specific contingency plans. The company also offers a variety of flexible packaging products.
Ball Corporation
BALL has a strong track record of revenue growth and free cash flow. The company also has a focus on innovation and sustainability. This has helped to give it a competitive advantage over other companies in the packaging industry.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Ball began expanding into various industries. These included petroleum engineering equipment, photo-engraving, and high-tech hardware for space and defense applications. However, the expansions were modest in scope.
Today, the company produces aluminum cans for some of the world’s most popular brands. Its plants produce billions of cans every year. The company’s products are infinitely recyclable, and it is committed to sustainable practices. Its major subsidiaries include Ball Aerospace & Technologies and Rexam. The headquarters of the company are located in Broomfield, Colorado.
Crown Holdings
Crown Holdings is one of the world’s largest metal packaging companies, serving markets for beverage, food, health and beauty, promotional and household/industrial products. The company has 192 plants and produces a wide range of products, including cans and ends, closures, and other components.
Its primary business involves manufacturing metal beverage cans, a process that takes place at 151 plants around the world. The company also makes aerosol cans, specialty and health and beauty cans, glass bottles, and can-making equipment. In addition, Crown makes transit and protective solutions, industrial and equipment products, and supplies plastic film to customers. The company’s five key operating divisions are organized based on geography. The largest, called the Americas Beverage segment, accounted for 30.8% of sales in 2020. Crown also owns a number of joint ventures.
Amcor is a leading global supplier of packaging products and solutions. Its products protect food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, household, and personal care items. It also works with its customers to develop innovative packaging that enhances their brands and their consumers.
The company started as a papermaking business, but eventually added other products and services to its portfolio. Its success is due to its customer focus and a commitment to sustainable packaging.
Amcor’s sustainability strategy is focused on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and water usage. It also aims to promote a circular economy. Moreover, the company has also set ambitious goals to reduce its plastic waste. In addition, it has a strong commitment to its employees and their families. This allows the company to deliver value to its shareholders.
Stora Enso
Stora Enso is a leading global provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wooden constructions and paper. It is a member of the bioeconomy and employs more than 26 000 people around the world.
Founded in 1862 as Kopparbergs Bergslags AB, the company diversified from mining towards pulp and paper production, and eventually into the wood industry. In the early 1900s, the company began offering forest service products to its customers.
When choosing a Process Mining vendor, managers at Stora Enso looked for a solution with a flat learning curve and high speed of implementation. They also wanted a solution that would be flexible and allow them to calculate accurate and positive numbers. The team at Minit ticked all these boxes, and the company decided to work with this vendor.
Based in Evansville, Indiana, the firm manufactures products for a number of sectors. Its packaging divisions include industrial, consumer and protective. Its products range from plastic bags to packaging for temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. It also produces displays and plastic packaging for Class 3 medical devices. Sonoco also offers services like testing and certification of medical packaging to ensure it meets all regulatory requirements.
For recommended packaging products from VSLPackaging.
The company was founded in 1802 as a partnership in Delaware. It started out producing gunpowder and explosives, but eventually diversified into chemicals and synthetic fibers. Its most famous products include nylon, Teflon, and Lycra. It is currently one of the world’s largest chemical companies and a Fortune 500 company. It has over 84,000 employees worldwide. The company is known for its excellent corporate governance and sustainability.